Ha Noi, 16th August, 2023…

From August 13th to 15th, successfully organized a program for its employees in the coastal city of Quy Nhơn, with the participation of all AUMI staff from the three regions: North, Central, and South

With the slogan ‘UNITY – NEVER DIES’, the trip enhanced team spirit, fostered connections across the three regions, encouraged the drive to achieve set KPIs, and improved work efficiency for the remainder of the year

The program was built around the idea that ‘A single member or department on its own cannot create a breakthrough. Each department is like a part of the body; the company thrives based on the health of each part and the mutual support of all employees.’ This spirit was evident throughout the trip, from the teambuilding activities to participating together in adventurous games on Kỳ Co Island, and especially during the evening team-building session that strengthened team spirit.

Thanks to the exchange program, AUMI also discovered many new musical talents, potential comedians, and eloquent, skillful hosts.

Let’s take a look at some of the impressive images from AUMI’s 2024 travel program in Quy Nhơn:

AUMIERS participated in the teambuilding program with a determined goal of winning awards

Exploring Eo Gio
Discovering Kỳ Co Island
Two MC, beautiful and handsome of AUMI
AUMI Board of Directors in gala dinner
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