AUMI Company has completed the project of installing the weighing system, measuring and DWS510 Static SICK barcode reading in Vietnam.
Project details:
- Quantity: 1
- Device: System of weighing, measuring and reading handheld barcode SICK
Device details:
- Weight device
- Measuring device VMS510
- Handheld barcode reader device IDM160 SICK
The features of the DWS510 system
- Smallest object size: 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm
- Largest object size: 1,100 mm x 700 mm x 700 mm
- Dimensional accuracy: ± 5 mm x ± 5 mm x ± 5 mm
- Weight allowed to weigh: 0.1 kg … 60 kg
- Error: e = 20 g
- Performance: About 500 pph (measurement time 1.5s/object), depending on operator
- Identification: IDM160 hand-held barcode scanner reading distance up to 800 mm.
- Communication: Serial (RS-232, RS-422)/ Ethernet/ PROFIBUS
- Dimensions of roller conveyor: L = 1,250 mm x B = 650 mm, Height with product: from 700 mm to 950 mm (adjustable in 50mm steps)
Here are some images of the project: