- In any factories or production workshops, especially in warehouses storing goods, the demand for using boxes, containers, and pallets for goods is very high and occurs continuously throughout the operational process.
- The SICK 3D color camera makes it easy to locate boxes of various sizes and appearances with high accuracy with delivering up to 30 full-frame images per second with sub-millimeter resolution.

- The camera has a pre-installed and pre-trained deep learning neural network localization algorithm that allows it to locate virtually unlimited variations of boxes. PALLOC reports the position coordinates of the boxes to the robot, allowing it to pick them one-by-one or several at the time, in a configurable picking order.
Applications in fields:
- Depalletizing of boxes in the inbound area of logistics distribution warehouses
- Depalletizing of incoming boxed raw material in manufacturing processes
Technical details:
- General principle: deep learning neural network.
- Robot software interface packages for many brands.
- Camera, with embedded neural network processing, directly connected to the robot
- 3D color camera.
- Web-user interface.
- Software tool to backup/restore device configuration and to record/play back image data.