Functioning conveyors are essential for smooth process flows. Despite dirt, dust or strong vibration, optimal lubrication is necessary to prevent equipment failures. Costly repairs and service visits represent a significant part of operating costs, which can be minimised significantly by using perma lubrication systems.
Lubrication points
- Pillow block housings with spherical roller bearings are mainly used for drive and bend pulleys.
- Bearings and bearing housing seals must be permanently supplied with lubricant.
- Large conveyors often extend over long distances and several levels and are difficult to access. Relubrication should ideally take place while the equipment is running. Many transfer points can only be lubricated with the help of catwalk grating or work platforms and are therefore often neglected. Accident prevention and workplace safety must be ensured at all times.
- Lubrication starvation results in wear, leads to failure of equipment components and reduces productivity and cost effectiveness.
- Dirt and water must not enter the lubrication points
- No unnecessary equipment downtimes due to relubrication
- Workplace safety must be ensured
Advantages of automatic lubrication
- Lubricant seals lubrication points and prevents ingress of contamination
- Lubrication takes place while the equipment is running without interrupting the work process
- perma lubrication systems are installed outside of dangerous areas (remote mounting) and actively contribute to accident prevention
- Precise lubricant discharge lowers lubricant consumption and thus the environmental impact
Direct mounting on the lubrication point: e.g. perma CLASSIC
- Easy, quick mounting
- For lubrication points with little vibration / shocks
- For easy-to-reach, safe lubrication points
Remote mounting to the lubrication point: e.g. perma STAR VARIO
- For lubrication points with strong vibration / shocks (isolation of lubrication system)
- For lubrication points which are unsafe to access: Mounting in safe areas
- For hard-to-reach lubrication points